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Upcoming events including Retreats, Community Breathwork Circles, Healing Circles and other workshops/events. These events provide the space for you to connect deeper to yourself and to feel seen, heard and supported in community. 


Healing Breathwork: in Community brings together spiritually minded individuals to release, heal and be with big emotions while in community - while being held in a safe container. Breathwork is a powerful modality that allows stuck or stagnant emotions to be released from the body, and for Spirit (your own Spirit) to move joyfully and effortlessly through the body. The experience moves stagnant emotional energy and facilitates release of strong emotions like anger and sadness. It can help you to find a home in your body and your heart and help you learn to trust yourself. It leaves you feeling softer, open and more love for all parts of you.

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September 5, 2024 | 7:30 - 8:30pm

Joy of Yoga

Join Brooke for a powerful and sacred Healing Breathwork Circle - focused on embracing and honoring the changes that come up in this human journey, whether that's change in our outer environment or our inner environment. You will have this experience to openly process any change in the body, bringing you to a more regulated and settled space.

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A Healing Circle is a gathering of spiritually minded individuals gathering in a sacred space to heal and share each other's healing gifts. You do not need to have training in an energy healing modality. Brooke will give direction in Reiki, an ancient hands-on healing modality at the beginning of the circle. However, if you do have training in an energy healing modality (Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc), this is your time to share what you have learned and what you have been working on.

We will begin the Circle with introductions and intention setting. Brooke will take you through a centering and grounding breathwork and meditation practice. We will then begin the healing - offering healing on each other and possibly those who are not in the room with us.

Healing is something, I believe, we all have within us. I open this circle, this space, for you to feel the healing power and light within you.


This will be a sacred space, opened with unconditional love, compassion and positive regard.


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